Wyclif Women’s Program: Inclusive and Innovative

Wyclif CC is excited to announce its fifth season of Women’s Cricket as we enter our 129th season after finishing top of the ladder undefeated, and winning the final in the 2021-22 season.

Our women’s 1st XI side plays in the Ringwood District Cricket Association Women’s Competition T20 and one-days competition. The club welcomes women and girls of all ages and is coached by a dedicated professional coach.

This season we are also excited to have a social women’s team in the ECA 9 aside fortnightly social women’s competition played on Tuesdays at 5.30pm.

Training: Tuesday / Thursday Evenings 6 - 7:30pm

Games: Sunday 1pm - 6pm.

We welcome players of all experience and standard from beginner to pro!

Get in touch if you are keen to play or simply to find out more...